Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
How do I so easily lose sight?
When did it become so complicated?
Simple as it sounds it’s actually a DEEP truth.
In this most reflective season of my life I daily revisit this place, the place that quiets my soul and the well meaning, negative voices from friends . . . yikes! Oh come on, yes, I too have been “that” well meaning friend to someone else!
Speaking of humanity . . . remember being a child and your best friend, cousins or siblings would play that game where they put you in the middle of the room, then wound you up over and over and over just to let you go, step back and laugh their heads off as you tried with all your might to gain some sense of normalcy? You being the guinea pig, stumbling around, bumping into the sofas, walls, coffee tables; furniture that had been in their very familiar places all your life. . . . Phahaha sooo funny, TO THEM!
Psychologist define this as a place of disorientation. Spurred on by an episodic, traumatic event like oh…ummm the death of a child. For me it’s the death of Wesley. It can however also be the loss of a marriage, career, boyfriend, home, business etc. The loss of what your future life was supposed to look like will often leave you equally disoriented!
Disoriented: the condition of having lost one’s sense of direction. A state of mental confusion.
These are the moments I so desperately cling to what I DO know, giving me comfort and even a glimpse of perspective as I walk through that which I DON’T know.
My friends, we live in a really fast, fix it kind of world where most everything has a remedy and a quick one at that…BUT LOSS.
Some times we simply have to MAKE time for what TAKES time! I’m learning that matters of the heart in need of mending TAKES TIME and there is no quick fix for this one.
Over the next six weeks I’d love to share with you some tools that I’m learning. Tools that are even now truly helping me as I step into the recovery room (so to speak). For me, the room has stopped spinning but there’s still mending that will take some time.
This most unwelcome journey has made me think over and over again… what do people do without Jesus? What do people do without friends who patiently walk with you through these YUCK seasons of life?
On my worst days, I take such comfort in knowing that I’m the girl who has both.
I invite you to join me as together we begin this journey to a place of healing and wholeness. A place where he beckons us to be WITH HIM… There is no safer place!
I urge you to be one of those friends that we couldn’t do life without and share this blog with a girl who needs it. My prayer is that this pain would not be wasted.